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Fundamentals of Childhood and Youth Studies Course

Online Free Online Course by  Alison
Online / Free Online Course



This free online course was developed in response to the emerging importance of children and youth in international development policy. The course will give the learner a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of development from the early years right through to adolescence. The course will deal with questions such as: What makes young people tick? What shapes and influences a child's development? How can the adults who work with children support them more effectively? After completion of the course, learners will be familiar with the major theories on the development of children. This course will be of great interest to professionals already in health, care or development professions, to learners who are planning a career that centres on youth, and will also be beneficial to parents, carers, and learners who are interested in studying issues related to children and adolescents.


To qualify for your official ALISON Diploma, Certificate or PDF you must studyand complete all modules and score 80% or more in each of the course assessments. A link to purchase your Diploma certificate will then appear under the My Certificates heading of your My Account page.


On completion of this course learners will be familiar with the major theoretical perspectives and theories of development of children and youths. Learners should be able to; 
- Critically evaluate theories of development,
- Considered definitions and value of play,
- Engage with and review debates about selected key concepts relevant to the study of families and personal relationships,
- Identify connections between concepts and the themes they raise for research and for social policy,
- Understand models for involving parents and carers in children's literacy acquisition,
- Demonstrate how individual, environmental and structural factors can have an impact on parenting,
- Discuss how children's early experiences with their parents/caregivers, siblings and peers contribute to the learning of new skills and problem-solving techniques

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