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Pack of 9 - Stress Management Techniques

Online Short Course by  Simpliv LLC
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Online / Short Course


Courses Included In The Bundle
Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification, Part 2 - Techniques for Trauma and Stress

Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification, Part 2 is specifically designed for qualified students interested in pursing a career as a professional healer. Meditations learned in this training will reduce the impact of trauma and/or stress in the lives of your clients, including both adults and children. By mastering the art of implementing the positive effects of meditation, you will learn tools to assist your clients in their own self care.

This course builds on the techniques and fundamentals learned in Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification, Part 1.

This course is laid out in an easy to follow step-by-step process. Student participation and outside practice will be required to master the techniques presented in this course.

Course material will be presented through video lecture, text summaries, and sample guided meditations.

What scientific research is telling us can help you assist your clients. Meditation (i.e. Hypnotherapy) promotes numerous health benefits including:

  • Reducing stress, anxiety and depression
  • Regulating emotions
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Increasing empathy, compassion and emotional intelligence
  • Slowing the aging process

What students are saying about Joseph’s courses:

…the meditations are next level awesome. Courtney Seard

I'm doing a couple of Joseph Drumheller courses and he's a really fantastic teacher. His approach is very genuine and authentic. He spent many years providing support to terminally ill cancer patients. Highly recommended. Phil Strong

You know, Joseph, I really appreciate the reminder that unresolved emotional charges INFLUENCE our decision making and behavior. I can see that this has played out in my life to my great misfortune. At this stage of my life, it is very important for me to take charge of these ancient emotional triggers, and create a much healthier and happier existence. I love your class, Joseph. Thanks again for all of your hard work! Laurel Gay Edwards 

Your delivery was warm and natural and your sincerity and love of meditation shines through. I can see how much work has gone into this course and I'm sure it will reach and help many, many, many people. It's so nice to 'meet' someone with very similar views on meditation and an approach to teaching that chimes with my own. I wish you every success! Linda Hall

Joseph Drumheller's practical, earthy approach to meditation, along with his soothing voice and approachability provide a comfortable place to begin a new practice or gain deeper insights to those more established. Speaking as a lifelong meditator myself, I recommend his work. Judy Blackwell

I will say that the main thing I look for in someone in such a course is that they exude calm, and joy....and you do......and that they look trustworthy, good energy when you look at their eyes.... when they speak....and you do…. Marika Marks

Very informative about getting started at home meditation. I am excited to dive into Joseph’s course! Kari Moore

Very professional and I loved the videos! If this is your fist class online, I wouldn't have known it. You did a great job! Judy Lynne

Worth $ 74.99 $14.99 

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Benefits for Instructors /Authors

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